Meeting Minutes December, 2019

PTA Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2019

Meeting called to order
Date:  December 10, 2019
Time:  6:33 PM
Location:  UMS Library
Meeting was chaired by
Brady Lozier, President
Meeting welcome, introductions
Brady Lozier, President
Appointed as members of the committee to approve minutes after the meeting:
1.  Chris Antonicci 
2.  Kelly Barnett
3.  Kathleen Kelly
Members in attendance
Chris Antonicci, Kelly Barnett, Kathleen Kelly, Hannah Lavigne, Brady Lozier, April O’Dell, Liz Rochefort
General attendance
Amanda Rea

Treasurer’s Report - April
Bank balance $4283 after poinsettia sale and fall fundraiser.  Not included are the transport invoices, special person dance which is usually at cost, and Chilly Champ Fun Run where we usually break even.  $2,000 will be moved over.  The money market is at $4,000.

Chris noted that he budgeted for the field trips and transport for musical rehearsal in the school budget so it will not impact the PTA.

Odyssey of the Mind organizer told Brady that schools usually give $135 for each team, and UMS has two.  Subsequently told Brady they did not need the money – Brady to follow up with her.  It’s possible that MBS picked up the cost, as it is a mixed-school team.

Voted to approve disbursement to OM.  Discussion ensued on the right amount, and about how to give the money, as people assume that OM is school-sponsored when it really is not.  If the school were to sponsor, it would be responsible for background checking OM volunteers.  PTA is allowed to give them a donation without incurring liability so long as it is designated as such and not directed toward a specific team, as we are a separate entity.

Final vote approved giving $125 to OM if requested.
Fall Fundraiser – April, proxy for Lila
Made $2330 compared to $2654 in 2019 and $2628 in 2018.
Fall Photo Shoot – April, proxy for Casey
We get 20% of any sales including holiday cards.  Casey is setting up a meeting with Beltrami to work out the final numbers.
Poinsettia Sale – April, proxy for Marla
Made $450.
Box Tops for Education – Liz
Liz to get numbers to April for past three disbursements to ensure all checks have been received.

Special Person Dance – Brady
Friday, February 7th, 6:30-7:30 at MBS

Brady has created a Sign-up Genius and did the paperwork to reserve MBS.  Chris to contact Beltrami about coming to take photos.

We need a volunteer to be point person.  Tabled until next meeting when there will hopefully be better attendance.
Family Skate – Brady, proxy for Molly
Saturday, March 28th, 4:30-6:30 at Essex Education Center Rink

Molly typically orders the pizza and Kathleen picks up.  Kathleen confirmed she will do that again this year.

Raubi has a kid in school now, so Brady was wondering if he would discount the pizzas.  April believes he already does.
March Music Performance Fundraiser - Brady
February 11 & 12, 6:30 for approx. 40 minutes at MBS.

Chris reiterated that Steve Davis will do the whole thing for us if we wish but we will have to pay for the staff which will cut into profits.  PTA voted unanimously for this, as it is too challenging to field volunteers when parents are scrambling to attend with their students.

Brady will ask Steve if we need to sell advance tickets and confirm cafeteria is available, as it is used for logistical staging of classes.  Chris suggested we could divide it into two sections to make room for eating and staging.

April suggested having Three Brothers fundraiser those nights if the pasta dinner in the cafeteria is too complicated.  Raubi said takeout with soda is more profitable, and that would be convenient for parents to just call and pick it up.

Members voted to move February PTA meeting to February 4th, as the musical conflicts.
Yearbook – April, proxy for Casey
Kelly suggested swapping out the flashier Josten’s advertising for our own flyers to attract more attention and drive sales.  We have eight sold so far, which is commensurate with where we were at this time last year.

Suggestion to revisit the deadline; maybe just advertise in the week or two prior to stay on the radar.

A reminder is being created for teachers and parents to submit their photos (what is the cutoff?).

Casey is working with Beltrami for the student photos, and April will drop the class picture disk to her.

Chris noted that they pulled off the drone picture spelling out UMS with the help of Judy Hillis’ son when he was home from Germany.  Brady asked for a yearbook bump in Chris’ newsletter; Amanda suggested using the cover photo in that as a teaser to entice purchase.
A Message from the Principal
The annual holiday singalong is next Wednesday, December 18th, from 10:15-10:45.  Due to space considerations this will be a stream only event, and will be live-streamed on UMS page and CSD page.
Other Business
Brady said the Thankful for Teachers Luncheon during conferences was very well attended and greatly appreciated.


Divide into Committees
Fundraising, Events, Members – no breakout tonight due to low attendance.

The meeting was adjourned at
Time: 7:15 PM

Meeting Minutes reviewed and approved at meeting conclusion by:
Chris Antonicci
Kathleen Kelly
Kelly Barnett

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